Dr. Peng's Response to Network Outage Incident of Great Wall Broadband Users in Shaoyaoju Community

TapTechNews August 6th news, regarding the incident that Broadband users in Shaoyaoju Community suffered a sudden network outage due to third-party reasons reported on August 1st, the Beijing subsidiary of Dr. Peng (TapTechNews note: Dr. Peng still retains the Internet access business in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen after selling Great Wall Broadband) responded to Sina Technology and said: The company attaches great importance and has successfully restored the network for 310 households.

Dr. Peng introduced that after an emergency assessment and decision, the following measures have been taken:

First, a user network solution was quickly formulated, and it was decided to upgrade the affected users to our company's Wo Kuan Chang brand in cooperation with China Unicom for free, and promised not to charge any fees to users during the entire cutover process.

Second, coordinated various departments to direct the user comfort and cutover work. The customer service center sent a text message notice of network cutover to all users, and the company organized and mobilized hundreds of employees to actively contact users for network cutover fiber transformation to speed up the restoration of user networks.

Third, up to now, the network cutover and restoration work has been successfully completed for 310 households, and subsequent appointments for on-site construction have been made with 250 users. However, due to the fact that some users are not in Beijing or the time at home is uncertain, we will gradually provide on-site services according to the actual situation.

Fourth, for those users who chose to switch to the network of other operators due to waiting too long, we started a special service process to help users smoothly handle the relevant procedures and restore their confidence in our services.

Fifth, we expect that the user's cutover transformation and network restoration work will be completed by the middle of August. During this period, if users have any questions or need help, they can call the hotline at any time.

Regarding this incident, the Beijing subsidiary of Dr. Peng said: We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to users by this incident and thank the vast majority of users for their patience and understanding. At the same time, we also thank the media teachers for their supervision and guidance. We will take this as a driving force to continuously improve services and continuously improve the quality of service, and adhere to the service concept centered on users to ensure the network experience of every user.

Related reading:

Great Wall Broadband was accused of running away with money? 1000 households' networks outage and waiting hard
