Apple's New Patent for Distributed Computing System

TapTechNews June 26th news, according to the latest list publicly disclosed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple has obtained a related patent for a distributed computing system, introducing a brand new system that can comprehensively arrange the computing power of Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple VisionPro to jointly complete certain tasks faster and better.

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Apple is not satisfied with the existing distributed computing technology in the patent description, outlining a system that can simultaneously use all devices seamlessly for computing, and can dynamically consider the different power and performance of each device to fundamentally improve the performance of processing certain tasks. TapTechNews attaches the relevant pictures as follows:

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For example, when a user edits photos or renders 3D videos on a Mac, idle iPads can be called to speed up the editing and rendering speed; for example, in the VisionPro scenario, the performance of the Mac can be called to handle certain tasks.

The technology in Apple's new patent can not only share your workload, but also calculate which devices are most suitable for completing which tasks, and complete the user's tasks faster through dynamic adjustment.

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For example, if a user uses Final Cut Pro to render a 4K/60 video on a MacMini and plays the game Death Stranding on an iPhone, then the system will automatically allocate the computing power of the user's idle MacBookAir/iPad to the Mac and the iPhone.

VIA: AppleInsider
