New Type of Telecom Fraud Targets Shared Power Banks

TapTechNews May 27th news, according to the official public WeChat account of Hangzhou Public Security on Sunday tweet, recently some criminals have'set their sights on' shared power banks, sending text messages of 'your power bank has not been returned' to victims, guiding them to download a screen sharing App and obtain information such as their bank card numbers and Alipay balances, thereby attempting to defraud them of their money.

TapTechNews learned from relevant cases that when auxiliary policeman Chen Ting of a local police station was conducting a patrol on the surface area in the jurisdiction, after hearing sensitive words such as 'frozen', 'funds', and 'video', he immediately went forward to ask, but the party involved, Aunt Liu, nervously denied that this was a telecommunications fraud.

After the police officer explained, Aunt Liu told the background of the incident: she received a text message that 'your power bank has not been returned after use, otherwise the fee will be deducted from the rent', and she called the 'official customer service' number in the text message many times. Under the request of the other party, she downloaded an App named 'Cloud Service'.

The other party required Aunt Liu to download the App and join the group chat. As a result, during the process of'sharing the screen' with the other party, Aunt Liu had already been guided to view all her bank card numbers, and the other party was checking her Alipay balance. This means that the other party can not only know all the contents in Aunt Liu's mobile phone, but also has a clear understanding of all the deposits in her mobile phone account.

Finally, Aunt Liu recognized this new type of fraud under the guidance of the police officer and quickly closed and deleted the'sharing the screen' App, avoiding a subsequent loss of funds of up to $45,000 (approx. 310802 yuan).
