Navicat Launches Free NavicatPremiumLite for Database Management

TapTechNews June 26th news, Navicat has launched a free database management and development tool - NavicatPremiumLite, targeting entry-level users and supporting basic database management and collaboration functions.

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As a lite version of NavicatPremium17, NavicatPremiumLite can create connections to multiple databases, such as MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQLServer, OceanBase, and GaussDB.

TapTechNews attached download address:

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The official said that NavicatPremiumLite supports the following functions:

Data viewer: View, update and delete records seamlessly through the built-in editor in grid view, tree view and JSON view.

Object designer: Manage database objects through a clear and responsive interface that decomposes the query writing into structured tabs.

SQL editor: Provide a seamless coding environment and accelerate your coding process with code completion, code snippets and syntax highlighting.

Import and export: Import and export data in various text-based files such as TXT, CSV, XML and JSON. Import data from external sources into the database and extract data from the database and save it in different formats.

Collaboration: Sync connection settings, queries, code snippets and virtual group information to the cloud service to share with colleagues anytime and anywhere.

Secure connection: Use SSH tunnels and SSL for secure connection to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. Advanced authentication methods including PAM, Kerberos, X.509 and GSSAPI provide multi-level protection to prevent unauthorized access.

Native design: Navicat is a native application designed specifically for a specific platform.

Dark mode: Set the dark background theme to protect your eyes from the traditional dazzling white of the computer.

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