GNOME Announces New Features and Updates

According to TapTechNews on June 22, the GNOME team released an announcement this week, officially naming the GNOME graphical installation wizard application GNOME Setup, completing the language support page and the EULA page, and gradually optimizing the disk selection installation experience.

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TapTechNews attached the GNOME Setup installation process as follows:

The team said that the work on the disk selection page is still unfinished. Currently, it will issue a reminder after detecting Intel RapidStorage Technology, and has also created various possible behavior models for the disk selection page, and has begun to read data from udisks.

In addition to GNOME Setup, the libadwaita graphical interface now supports custom theme colors, which means that all applications using libadwaita can inherit the system theme to achieve better integration.

libadwaita can use the GNOME accent color. When running supported applications in Elementary OS or KDE, it will also pick up the theme color.

The new version of GNOME also optimized KeyRack (a new secret manager designed to replace SeaHorse) and oo7 (a new secret service provider designed to replace gnome-keyring and libsecret).

The interface of the Disk Usage Analyzer has also undergone some changes. The biggest change is the adoption of a path bar similar to the Nautilus file manager.
