Serious Risks of Secret Leakage in Online Office Cloud Assistant, Mini-Programs, AI Writing and Work Groups

TapTechNews August 4th news, the Ministry of National Security issued a document today stating that in recent years, cases of loss and leakage of secrets due to the use of online office programs have occurred frequently, exposing a series of potential risks.

TapTechNews attached the main contents as follows:

Cloud assistant leaks classified documents. The 'Document Transfer Assistant' can realize cloud storage of files and can be downloaded and used on different device terminals. Some office workers, for the convenience of work, illegally transfer classified files to the 'transfer assistant' to facilitate downloading and handling with personal mobile phones or computers after work. Little do they know that after the classified files are uploaded to the network, the process of automatic synchronization and storage of computer and mobile phone devices greatly increases the risk of foreign espionage intelligence agencies obtaining relevant files through Trojan horses and viruses. In addition, the background of the transfer software company can also easily obtain classified files, and the scope of knowledge cannot be effectively controlled, which is extremely prone to loss and leakage of secrets.

Graphic recognition mini-program leaks the original of classified documents. The maturity of OCR recognition technology has brought great convenience to office work. A wide variety of graphic recognition mini-programs can easily capture the text in the picture information and convert the text with one click. Some staff members in classified positions, in order to import the text content of classified documents, illegally use online mini-programs for shooting and recognition. Although the red-headed logo and classification level of the classified documents are intentionally covered, after the picture of the original of the classified documents is uploaded to the online platform, foreign espionage intelligence agencies can easily obtain the background data of the software through technical means and steal state secrets.

AI writing leaks classified content. In recent years, AI writing has flourished and gradually become the 'pen' of many office people. Users only need to input specific requirements and can generate articles with one click. Some classified personnel, when drafting classified materials, in order to save working time, illegally input classified materials and classified document content into AI writing mini-programs to generate articles, and think that only intercepting file fragments will not cause leakage. Little do they know that the AI mini-program will automatically collect the information content input by users for self-learning, and the relevant data is easily stolen by foreign espionage intelligence agencies, resulting in the leakage of state secrets.

Work groups leak classified information. Many units have set up many 'work groups' used to notify and communicate work matters for the convenience of communication. Some units illegally notify and discuss classified work matters in the 'work groups', and even post the content involving state secrets and work secrets in the form of pictures, files, etc. within the group chat. The classified information in these group chats is extremely easy to be reprinted and even made public by group members, and the scope of knowledge cannot be controlled. Foreign espionage intelligence agencies can also obtain the chat records of key work groups through network attacks, and there are great potential risks of loss and leakage of secrets.
