Broadcom Releases New Versions to Fix Security Vulnerabilities

TapTechNews May 19th news, Broadcom recently released a security bulletin and announced the launch of MwareWorkstation 17.5.2 and Fusion 13.5.2 versions, mainly fixing four security vulnerabilities.

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Among these vulnerabilities, the most serious one is CVE-2024-22267 rated as critical, and the CVSS risk score of this vulnerability is 9.3. This is a UseAfterFree type RAM vulnerability in the virtual Bluetooth device component (vbluetooth) (TapTechNews note: After a certain part of RAM is released, the program continues to use the released RAM area). Once a hacker obtains local administrator rights, they can use this vulnerability to execute malicious code on the virtual machine through the VMX process.

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The CVSS scores of the other three vulnerabilities are all 7.1 high risk, namely CVE-2024-22268, CVE-2024-22269, and CVE-2024-22270.

Among them, CVE-2024-22269 and CVE-2024-22270 are information leakage vulnerabilities located in the virtual Bluetooth device and the file sharing system of the host/virtual machine (HostGuestFileSystem, HGFS) respectively. And CVE-2024-22268 is related to the Shader component, which is a memory buffer overflow vulnerability.

Except for CVE-2024-22268, the other three vulnerabilities all come from the Bug Hunting Contest Pwn2OwnVancouver2024, discovered by the team composed of the security company Theori and StarLabsSG, and the CVE-2024-22268 vulnerability comes from the Bounty Program ZeroDayInitiative.
