Third domestically-produced ARJ21 aircraft delivered to Indonesia

TapTechNews June 1, according to Xinhua News Agency, the third domestically-produced jet ARJ21 aircraft delivered by China Aircraft Leasing Group to Indonesian airline TransNusa抵达 Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, on the evening of May 31. This is the first cross-border settlement transaction in RMB for domestic aircraft.

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This ARJ21 aircraft was delivered to its TransNusa airline in the form of leasing export, and China Aircraft Leasing used RMB settlement for both the aircraft purchase side and the leasing side, and the rent payment was cleared through the cross-border linkage of domestic and overseas Chinese financial institutions.

According to Li Yaomin, vice chairman of Indonesian TransNusa, the third ARJ21 will join the Indonesian eastern route network together with the other two aircraft of the same type to optimize the flight network and service of the airline. At the same time, since the aircraft adopts the latest navigation technology, flight safety will be further guaranteed.

TransNusa is the first overseas user of ARJ21 aircraft. In April 2023, the ARJ21 aircraft incorporated into the fleet of TransNusa was officially put into the commercial first flight. Up to now, the ARJ21 has been operating stably in Indonesia for one year and maintains a good record of zero accidents.

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According to TapTechNews' previous report, the aircraft was completed and delivered on May 29. The rent transfer this time was cleared through the cross-border linkage of domestic and overseas Chinese financial institutions such as the Bank of China Jakarta Branch, the RMB clearing center of the Bank of China Shanghai Branch, and the Agricultural Bank of China Shanghai Branch, ensuring the timeliness and security of the rent payment, making the settlement field of RMB more abundant. Carrying domestic aircraft to go overseas helps to break the monopoly of the US dollar as the settlement currency in cross-border aircraft leasing.
