niconico Website Service Interruption Due to Cyber Attack

TapTechNews, June 9. According to the official X platform account of the anime bullet comment website, niconico, due to a 'large-scale cyber attack', the service of the niconico website has been interrupted. The official website claims that 'there is no hope of recovery before this weekend (before June 10).'

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It is learned that the niconico website has successively experienced interruption problems since 2 a.m. Beijing time yesterday, and the official website officially suspended the service since 5 a.m. yesterday and has not recovered until the TapTechNews press release.

Besides the niconico website, the websites of the operating company behind niconico, Dwango, and its parent company Kadokawa also have problems (the browser cannot be accessed, indicating timeout). Currently, the official is investigating the reason and has not disclosed the specific security report yet. TapTechNews will review and analyze this event after the official discloses the security report.
