#price war#

Price War in Chinese Auto Industry and New Energy Vehicle Trends

The article reports on the 'price war' in the Chinese auto industry, the background and trends of new energy vehicle penetration, with reference to the Passenger Car Association Sub-committee's reports.

News about the 2024 China Auto Forum and Opinions on the 'Price War'

This article covers the views on the 'price war' and industry insights from various auto company executives at the 2024 China Auto Forum. With discussions on raw material costs, competition, and the future of the auto market.

BYD and Huawei's Different Views on 'Price War' and Technology

Li Yunfei discusses Yu Chengdong's remarks on price war and BYD's focus on technology, scale, and products, with background on event. Less than 150 characters.

Silicon Carbide (SiC) Market Trends and Developments

The silicon carbide market is seeing a price war. Many factors contribute to the falling price of SiC wafers, but the industry remains optimistic for growth

Huawei's Yu Chengdong on Industry Trends and Company Developments

Huawei's Yu Chengdong discusses his character, the trend of car company leaders going live, the impact of Lei Jun's entry, and the state of Huawei's smart selected cars.