Wuhan Metro to Support National Transport Union Card from June 30th

TapTechNews Jun 25th news, for a long time, the Wuhan Metro / Wuhan Pass has been criticized by passengers for not supporting the Transport Union, which is said to be one of the only two cities in the entire Chinese mainland that have metros / rail transit but do not support the Transport Union card (refer to Wikipedia, the other is Hohhot, but there are also readers' feedback thatJinhua City does not support).

Today, the Wuhan Metro officially announced that from June 30th, the Wuhan Metro will officially support the card-swiping gate-crossing function of the National One Card Interconnection and Interoperability Card, and then passengers holding the interconnection card with theTransport Unionlogo can swipe the card to ride the subway in Wuhan.

According to reports, the National Transport Union Card (National Transport One Card Interconnection and Interoperability) is a public transport one-card project led by the Ministry of Transport. As of December 2023, a total of 353 million Transport One Card Interconnection and Interoperability Cards (codes) have been issued nationwide, and the number of off-site transactions has exceeded 350 million, covering more than 38,000 bus lines, 285 rail transit lines in 44 cities, and more than 36,000巡游 taxis, etc., covering many key regions such as the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Pearl River Delta. By the end of December 2023, the transport one-card interconnection and interoperability of 336 prefecture-level cities and 1748 county-level administrative regions has been achieved.

 Wuhan Metro to Support National Transport Union Card from June 30th_0

TapTechNews learned that currently, the Wuhan Metro supports the following payment methods:

Alipay, WeChat, UnionPay QuickPass, and other mainstream applications, theMetro New Erasubway application,i Wuhangovernment affairs WeChat mini-program,My Wuhan Passapplication, and 11 bank applications such as China Merchants Bank for code-scanning gate-crossing;

Supports UnionPay QuickPass gate-crossing, passengers can use bank cards with QuickPass function, wearable devices, ApplePay, Huawei Pay, Xiaomi Pay, etc. to cross the gate and ride;

Supports foreign currency card POS machine to buy tickets.

In addition, the Wuhan Metro also has interoperable subway code-scanning gate-crossing businesses with multiple cities, such as supporting the use of the ShanghaiMetro Metropolisapplication to cross the gate.
