Douyin E-commerce to Adjust Operation Rights and Window Mounting Rights for Personal Accounts

TapTechNews August 5th news, Douyin E-commerce announced that in order to optimize the platform's content ecosystem and encourage creators to provide more valuable information to users, the Douyin platform will successively adjust the graphic and text e-commerce operation rights and window mounting rights of Douyin personal accounts on August 20, 2024.

Authors who have opened e-commerce rights but have an "effective number of fans < 1000" will not be able to use the e-commerce graphic and text带货 function at that time, and authors with an "effective number of fans < 500" will not be able to display the window on the personal homepage and recommend the window in the comment area (the opening of window带货 rights and the operation and promotion of the window through methods such as fan groups are not affected).

Effective fans refer to the real follow-up fans brought by the creator through continuously publishing high-quality content that meets the requirements of the platform. Douyin officials said that the fans seen on the homepage may include fans from various scene channels, and there may be a situation where there are more than the effective number of fans.

TapTechNews attaches the fan requirements corresponding to different rights after the adjustment:

Specific meaning of fan requirements for e-commerce rights Window带货 Enterprise-related accounts for operation: 0 fans can be opened Personal homepage display window and comment area recommendation window No effective fan requirements Can add products in the commodity window Douyin personal account: 0 fans can be opened Personal homepage display window and comment area recommendation window: effective number of fans ≥ 500 Video带货 Enterprise-related accounts for operation: Number of fans ≥ 1000 Can add products/windows/stores and other labels when publishing videos Douyin personal account: Effective number of fans ≥ 500 Graphic and text带货 Enterprise-related accounts for operation: Number of fans ≥ 1000 Can add products/windows/stores and other labels when publishing graphic and text Douyin personal account: Effective number of fans ≥ 1000 Live带货 Number of fans ≥ 1000 Can add products in the live room