Game Designer Sakurai Masahiro's Views on Game Cutscenes

TapTechNews July 15th, the game designer Sakurai Masahiro, known as the Father of Kirby, uploaded a new video on his YouTube channel on the 12th, talking about his views on game cutscenes.

Game Designer Sakurai Masahiros Views on Game Cutscenes_0

Sakurai Masahiro believes that delving deeper into cutscenes can help players better understand the game plot or resonate with it - but this is unlikely to happen. For him personally, if the cutscenes are too lengthy, it will feel a bit annoying.

He said that the cutscenes themselves can become a selling point or reward of the game, but in the current era - when people can see clips of game cutscenes flying all over on streaming media platforms, it's a bit hard to say. Nowadays people even choose to play videos at double speed, but as a creator, I understand the feeling of my 'colleagues' who want players to watch the segments they have worked hard to complete carefully, but I think now we need to cater to the trend of the times and ensure that players have the right to skip the cutscenes.

TapTechNews note: Sakurai Masahiro is known for creating and supervising the Kirby series and the Super Smash Bros. series. He mainly creates games for the Nintendo platform, and was originally employed at HAL Laboratory and is now the software R & D director of his company Sora.
