ICANN Agrees to Reserve.Internal Top-Level Domain for Internal Network Use

TapTechNews August 8th news, the technology media theregister reported today (August 8th), The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has agreed to reserve the.internal top-level domain, similar to IPv4 address blocks such as,, and, which is only for internal network use.

TapTechNews note: ICANN hopes to define a top-level domain in the Domain Name System (DNS) that will never be delegated in the global DNS root, meaning this top-level domain can never be accessed on the open Internet, thereby providing a domain that can be used for internal networks without having to worry about conflicts or confusion.

Some organizations and institutions have begun to create and use their own domain names for internal private use only, such as the network equipment vendor D-Link using.dlink in its internal network to provide the web interface of its products.

ICANN does not recognize this approach, believing that such temporarily created TLDs may lead netizens to think that these TLDs have broader uses, resulting in greater traffic to DNS servers.

After years of negotiation, ICANN finally decided to adopt .internal.

Interestingly, one of the supporting opinions came from Google. Google's vice president and chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf wrote a document, revealing that he has been using.internal for many years.

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He wrote: Google Cloud requires a privately used top-level domain to eliminate external dependencies and prevent conflicts with authorized top-level domains. Due to the lack of an existing private use name, Google temporarily adopted.internal.

Cerf also revealed that a large number of Google Cloud customers use the.internal domain name to massively deploy enterprise applications in multiple computing environments, and the.internal TLD is already the highest-ranking unauthorized top-level domain on ICANN's own DNS Magnitude statistics page.
