Tencent Yuanbao's 1.1.7 Version Update Enhanced AI Capabilities

TapTechNews on June 21, Tencent's AI large model application, Tencent Yuanbao,迎来了版本 1.1.7 的升级, and its AI search and parsing capabilities have been enhanced.

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The new version of Tencent Yuanbao can support the processing of single documents with a maximum length of 10 million words, and can parse up to 50 files at a time (the size of a single file does not exceed 100 MB), and support uploading and parsing file formats such as pdf, doc, txt, xlsx, and pptx. At the same time, it supports one-click generation of data charts such as column charts, line charts, and pie charts.

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The new version of Tencent Yuanbao also supports parsing URL websites and various links, and conducts summary and comparative analysis of the contents of multiple links; adds the recognition and parsing of various image formats such as png, jpg, jpeg, webp, bmp and heic, and supports tasks such as information retrieval, question answering, decision making, data analysis and programming debugging. Files opened in WeChat also support the parsing of Tencent Yuanbao mini-program and App.

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Tencent Yuanbao has now accessed search engines such as WeChat Search and Sogou Search, covering Tencent ecosystem contents such as WeChat official accounts, and supports other Internet information sources. On the basis of information retrieval, Tencent Yuanbao supports the recognition of relevant contents to users' questions and conducts concise summaries.

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TapTechNews previously reported that Tencent released the consumer-end AI assistant Tencent Yuanbao based on the Hybrid Large Model in May this year. This assistant provides core capabilities such as AI search, AI summary, and AI writing, and can parse multiple WeChat official account links, websites, and documents in various formats such as PDF, word, and txt at once; supports a very long context window.

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