Innovative Remote Sensing Experiment in Luanhe River Basin by Chinese Research Team

TapTechNews August 6th news, CCTV News reported that a scientific research team composed of units such as the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Aerospace Information Innovation Research Institute jointly carried out a remote sensing experiment in the Luanhe River Basin. This is the world's first continuous 'soil-vegetation-atmosphere' moisture perspective remote sensing experiment based on an aviation platform.

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It is introduced that the Luanhe River Basin is a complex ecosystem composed of many elements such as mountains, rivers, forests, farmland, lakes, grasslands, and sandy lands, and it is an ideal place to explore and verify advanced remote sensing technologies.

TapTechNews noticed that just like doctors diagnosing the internal condition of the human body by using CT scans, researchers can deeply observe the moisture state and distribution inside plants and detailedly analyze the entire moisture transmission process from the soil to the plant stems and then to the canopy and the atmosphere.

The scientific research team used the national major scientific and technological infrastructure - the aviation remote sensing system to implement precise observations on forests, farmland, and grasslands in places such as Saihanba and Yudaokou.

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The aviation remote sensing system is a national-level aviation remote sensing system that comprehensively integrates six kinds of earth-observation windows based on the Xinzhou 60 aircraft. It is the most comprehensive and powerful aviation remote sensing platform in China at present.

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This experiment carried China's latest independently developed one-dimensional synthetic aperture microwave radiometer, which has higher spatial resolution than traditional microwave radiometers and can accurately capture the water content inside the vegetation and soil.
