W3C Reiterates View on Cancelling Third-Party Cookies After Google's Move

TapTechNews July 31st news, after Google announced the shelving of the Chrome browser mandatory elimination of third-party Cookies plan, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) released a blog post on July 29th, reiterating its view: Third-party Cookies must be cancelled.

W3C Reiterates View on Cancelling Third-Party Cookies After Googles Move_0

TapTechNews note: The World Wide Web Consortium, also known as the W3C Council, is the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web and is a semi-autonomous non-governmental organization.

The W3C believes in the blog post that third-party Cookies are not conducive to the development of the web, and there are mainly the following problems:

Tracing: It can track user activities across websites,

Distributing ads: Based on the tracked data, accurately place ads and monitor user behavior

Collecting data: According to the collected sensitive information of users

The W3C said that the view of cancelling third-party Cookies has received the support of many institutions in the industry and international privacy rights organizations, and regulatory agencies such as the UK Information Commissioner's Office have also called for blocking third-party Cookies.

The W3C said that as the manager of the network architecture, its work requires it to focus on the big picture (the entire web platform) and the details (proposed functions and specifications).

The W3C strives to provide guidance to specification authors so that their new technologies can fill the gaps that need to be filled without conflicting with other parts of the web and without causing avoidable troubles for us in the future.

Related readings:

Google Chrome abandons the plan to disable third-party Cookies, UK regulatory authorities: Considering taking action

Google shelves the Chrome browser mandatory elimination of third-party Cookie plan and leaves the choice to users

Aiming to replace third-party Cookies, Microsoft launches a new API: Recommending high-quality content while protecting user privacy
