Chrome Update for iPhone and iPad Customize Menu Bar

TapTechNews May 26th, Chrome has launched an update for iPhone and iPad, allowing users to customize the menu bar now.

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In the past, when users clicked the three-dot button in the upper right corner, a menu with icons and various operations would appear. TapTechNews noticed that now Chrome has added a new option called Customize Menu, enabling users to control the display content in this area.

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In the past, the icons at the top of the menu bar would be intelligently sorted according to usage frequency, but now the SmartSortMenuBar function can be turned off and the icons can be arranged according to one's own preferences.

Besides the system preset Settings and Website Information, users can also remove the icons of functions such as bookmarks, download history, password manager, reading list, recent tabs, price tracking, and Latest Content.

Not only that, users can also reorder the operation list and choose to hide unnecessary functions, such as follow, add to bookmarks, add to reading list, clear browsing data, translate, request desktop version of the site, find page content, and zoom text.

Currently, this update has been launched on Chrome 125 iOS version, allowing users to create a personalized browsing experience according to their personal usage habits.
