DingTalk to Build Open AI Ecosystem, Announces Multiple Partnerships

TapTechNews on June 26th. At today's MAKE2024 DingTalk Ecosystem Conference, DingTalk President Ye Jun announced that DingTalk will open to all major model manufacturers to build the most open AI ecosystem in China.

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Among them, MiniMax, Dark Side of the Moon, Zhihu Pu AI, Orion Star, Zero One Everything and Baichuan Intelligent, six trillion-dollar-level major model manufacturers have announced their access to DingTalk and have become the first batch of major models to access DingTalk after Tongyi Qianwen.

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In the future, users can directly use Tongyi and other seven major model products on DingTalk. At the same time, these major model manufacturers will work together with DingTalk to jointly explore the application of AI in the industry.

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The official of DingTalk disclosed that as of the end of March 2024, more than 2.2 million enterprises have used AI on DingTalk, and the vast majority of the AI ecosystem in the market has reached cooperation with DingTalk.

TapTechNews noticed that this conference with the theme of Make2024: AI All-Star brought together DingTalk AI ecosystem partners and artificial intelligence industry figures, and DingTalk version 7.6 was officially released. This version can be downloaded on the DingTalk official website today, and there are 39 function updates in total.

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