Nanjing Man's Repentance of Bid for Special Phone Number

TapTechNews June 9th news. Today, the Nanjing Intermediate People's Court announced a case. Among 57 bidders, a man named Zhang made 196 bids and won the beautiful number with the tail number 8888 at a price of $5834.72 (37460 Chinese yuan), but then there was a'situation of repentance of the bid'.

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TapTechNews learns that as the payment deadline approaches, when the enforcement judge notified about payment, Zhang said, 'I was too hasty when buying and didn't see that the announcement stated that there is a need to prepay the phone bill for this number and there is also a monthly minimum consumption. Now I don't want it anymore, and I won't pay the balance either. I also don't want the deposit of $31.28 (200 Chinese yuan).'

Due to Zhang's behavior of repentance of the bid, the court did not refund the deposit paid by Zhang and prohibited him from participating in the re-auction. Later, the right to use this number was sold at a price of $5154.94 (33000 Chinese yuan).

According to the relevant legal provisions, after deducting the deposit of $31.28 (200 Chinese yuan) paid by Zhang, Zhang still needs to pay the price difference of $666.78 ($5834.72 - $5154.94 - $31.28). When the enforcement judge contacted Zhang and served him the notice of making up the price difference, Zhang insisted on saying that he didn't clearly read the auction announcement and refused to pay the price difference.

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On the afternoon of May 24, 2024, the enforcement personnel of the Xuanwu Court summoned Zhang to the court. The enforcement personnel first popularized the relevant laws and regulations to him and showed him the legal documents for his behavior of repentance of the bid. If he still refused to fulfill it, the court would enforce it by force.

Finally, Zhang realized his mistake and fully compensated for the auction price difference. In view of Zhang's timely repentance and writing of the 'Letter of Confession', and because the negative impact caused was relatively small, the court only gave him a verbal warning.
