Alipay's Huabei collaborates with Nanjing Bank to launch 'Sui Chu Hua' service

TapTechNews May 12th news, recently some netizens found that Ant Credit Pay (Huabei) jointly with Bank of Nanjing launched the 'Spend Everywhere' service: after opening a special bank card for Ant Credit Pay quota of Bank of Nanjing in Ant Credit Pay, and then binding this card to payment platforms such as WeChat, Douyin, and, using this bank card is to consume with the Ant Credit Pay quota.

TapTechNews noticed from the comments of users on social media platforms that the relevant bank card has the advantage of 'unified bill'. Users can bind the card to WeChat payment, and the consumption that occurs in WeChat through this bank account needs to be checked and repaid in Ant Credit Pay, and still enjoy the 40-day interest-free period of Ant Credit Pay after consumption.

Ant Credit Pay staff told TapTechNews that the 'Spend Everywhere' service jointly launched by Bank of Nanjing and Ant Credit Pay (Ant Financial) is to meet the needs of Ant Credit Pay users in more payment scenarios. In this way, Ant Credit Pay can conduct unified bill management and repayment for consumption in all scenarios. Currently, the 'Spend Everywhere' service is only in a small-scale test stage and has not been fully opened yet.
