Global Mobile Application Market Report in Q1 2024

TapTechNews June 7th news, the market research organization SensorTower released the latest report. In the first quarter of 2024, the global mobile application market was generally stable, with consumer spending reaching 35.8 billion US dollars (TapTechNews note: currently about 259.517 billion yuan), an increase of 9.5%.

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And the non-game applications contributed the most to the growth, with an increase of 19.4%, while the growth rate of mobile games was only 2.9%, but the player spending still exceeded 20 billion US dollars for the first time in the past two years.

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From the specific situation of the platform, Apple's AppStore is still the revenue champion. Its revenue reached 24.6 billion US dollars (currently about 17.8327 billion yuan), an increase of 11.5%. At the same time, the growth rate of the Google Play store is slower, only 5.3%, reaching 11.2 billion US dollars (currently about 8.119 billion yuan).

When it comes to mobile games specifically, in the first quarter of 2024, Apple achieved a game revenue of 13 billion US dollars, an increase of nearly 6%, while GooglePlay was flat at 7.3 billion US dollars.

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In terms of downloads, GooglePlay leads with 25.6 billion downloads, but it has decreased by 5.2% compared to the previous year. Nevertheless, the number of downloads of GooglePlay is still more than three times that of the AppStore, which reached 8.4 billion in the first quarter of 2024, an increase of 2.1%.
