Update on Electric Bicycle Fire Safety and Rectification in China

TapTechNews May 30th news, the National Fire Rescue Bureau held a news conference today to introduce the fire safety situation and the progress of special actions this year. TapTechNews sorted out the important contents according to the official website's text record as follows:

The news spokesperson of the National Fire Rescue Bureau and senior commander of the Office Li Wanfeng mentioned:

From the perspective of the causes of the fire, electrical failures and improper use of fire are the main causes of inducing fires, and these two types of causes account for nearly half of the total number of fires, which are 26.2% and 22.3% respectively.

From the perspective of the industry fields with frequent fires, the fire risk of electric bicycles cannot be ignored. According to relevant departments' statistics, there are currently about 400 million electric bicycles in possession nationwide, and there is still a relatively large increase every year. The related fires have increased by 20% annually in the past three years. Since this year, there have been 10,051 electric bicycle fires, resulting in 35 deaths.

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Last month, the State Council deployed a full-chain rectification action for the safety hazards of electric bicycles. Liu Jiyang, the news spokesperson of the National Fire Rescue Bureau and senior commander of the Policy and Regulation Department, said about this:

The State Council specially deployed to carry out the full-chain rectification action for the safety hazards of electric bicycles and established the national rectification work team. The office of the work team is located in the National Fire Rescue Bureau. Since the action was deployed, all provinces and departments have issued implementation plans, convened deployment meetings, and established physical operation teams. The main progress of the work is as follows:

First, the standard requirements have been improved. The工信 and market supervision departments have formulated and released the mandatory national standard Safety Technical Specifications for Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Bicycles, and collaborated with the fire department to issue the Specification Conditions for the Electric Bicycle Industry and the announcement management method. The fire department has made requirements for the parking and charging of electric bicycles in the building's overhead floor. Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Shaanxi, Xinjiang and other places have started to formulate and revise local laws and standards to strengthen the management of electric bicycle safety.

Second, the key offensives have been highlighted. The development and reform and market supervision departments are guiding and regulating the charging fee behavior of electric bicycles. The public security organs have organized the road law enforcement inspection of electric bicycles. The fire department has already organized two rounds of concentrated night inspection actions for the fire illegal and non-compliant behaviors of electric bicycles. Tianjin, Guizhou, Qinghai, Xinjiang and other places have promoted the inclusion of the places for parking and charging electric bicycles into the livelihood projects such as the affordable housing project and the renovation of old residential areas for joint implementation.

Third, centralized investigation and inspection have been carried out. The market supervision departments have organized the quality supervision and random inspection of electric bicycles and battery products. The public security organs have organized the road执法检查 of electric bicycles. The fire department has already organized two rounds o f concentrated night inspection actions for the fire illegal and non-compliant behaviors of electric bicycles. Beijing, Jilin, Zhejiang, Anhui, Sichuan, Ningxia and other places have organized the four no two straight unannounced inspection and supervision for the full-chain rectification work of electric bicycle safety hazards.

Fourth, innovative rectification measures have been adopted. Tianjin, Liaoning, Henan and other places have issued announcements on the safety management of electric bicycles to comprehensively regulate the safe use behavior of electric bicycles. Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Guangdong, Gansu and other places have strengthened the technical and physical prevention measures to improve the fire prevention ability of the places for parking and charging electric bicycles. Beijing, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Shaanxi and other places have further strengthened the construction of public charging facilities, regulated the charging fees, piloted the affordable charging, and reduced the charging cost.

In the next step, we will adhere to treating both the symptoms and root causes, unclogging and combining, innovation-driven, and joint management according to the overall deployment requirements of the State Council, and promote the strengthening of the rectification work in all links such as the production, sales, use, parking, charging, and recycling of electric bicycles, and strive to improve the safety management level of electric bicycles.
