The Cost of Training GPT-2 Reduced Significantly in 5 Years

TapTechNews July 13th news, GPT-2 is a model launched by OpenAI in 2019, and its training cost was once $256 per hour. In the GPT-4 era five years later, with the progress of software, hardware and data, does it mean that the time and cost required to train the same model will decrease accordingly? The answer is yes.

According to Tom's Hardware's report today, Andrej Karpathy, the former Tesla AI director, OpenAI co-founder and project developer, used llm.c to'reproduce' GPT-2, and its cost dropped to only $28 per hour (TapTechNews note: about 204 RMB currently), reducing by nearly 90% in just five years.

The Cost of Training GPT-2 Reduced Significantly in 5 Years_0

The main factor for the cost reduction is that it uses a single 8XH100 node for training. In addition, Andrej Karpathy said that llm.c directly implements GPT training. Since llm.c is the direct implementation of GPT training in C/CUDA, its requirements are very low - no need for conda environment, Python interpreter, pip installation, etc.. You just need to start a cloud GPU node, selectively install NVIDIA cuDNN, NCCL/MPI, download the.bin data shard, compile and run, and you can start in a few minutes.

He added: Then wait for 24 hours (28 * 24 = 672), and you can generate samples about 'English-speaking unicorns in the Andes'.

It is reported that the llm.c project was originally part of an educational video, but soon became a project that Karpathy built from scratch after encountering some PyTorch problems.

However, the report believes that the progress of hardware, software and training data does not mean that the cost of cutting-edge AI training is decreasing. For example, Anthropic CEO Dario Amodei recently said that the current AI model being developed may require a training cost of $1 billion, and it is expected that the costlier model will reach $100 billion by 2025.

The improvement of hardware performance is also accompanied by an increase in cost. For example, the unit price of Nvidia H100 chip is $40,000, and the expected price of the next-generation Blackwell AI chip may reach $70,000. But even so, the CEO of Google Deepmind once said that the current model's IQ level is still just equivalent to that of a cat.
