Monument for Kyoto Animation Arson Case Completed in Japan

TapTechNews July 15th news, on July 14th, the monument for the deliberately set fire case at the shocking Japanese Kyoto Animation was officially completed. The main body is a sculpture of 36 peace birds, commemorating the 36 victims who unfortunately passed away in the arson case five years ago.

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Approximately 100 people attended the monument inauguration ceremony on Sunday, including the families of the victims and the employees of Kyoto Animation. This 3-meter-high monument was designed by the company's creators and stands in the park where the Kyoto Animation headquarters is located in Uji City.

TapTechNews noticed that the monument is shaped like 36 flying birds, symbolizing the distinct personalities of the victims, and the words pass on the dreams and enthusiasm to future generations are engraved on the monument. At the ceremony, a representative of the Kyoto Animation employees read out a message, stating that they incorporated their feelings into the design and hoped the monument would become a symbol.

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The families of the victims said in their speeches that they were proud that the talents and enthusiasm of the deceased employees could continue in the hearts of the current employees, and the works created by the Kyoto Animation company will also continue to bring hope and inspiration to many people.

The monument will be open to the public, but Kyoto Animation appeals to people not to offer flowers.

The suspect, Aoba Shinji, deliberately set fire at the Kyoto Animation headquarters on July 18, 2019, resulting in the final death of 36 people and 32 people with serious or minor injuries (including the offender Aoba Shinji himself). After more than 4 years of treatment, Aoba Shinji entered the court trial last September. The Kyoto District Court in Japan initially sentenced Aoba Shinji to death on January 25, and the defendant appealed against the judgment, and it is currently in the appeal period.
