Henan Company Fired Employee and Made Controversial Remarks, Manager Removed

TapTechNews August 5th news, yesterday, a netizen, Ms. Li, disclosed that she had once served in the e-commerce design position of Henan Xinxiang Chaoli New Energy Co., Ltd., and then was unjustly fired after asking the company's personnel about the social security situation. In the recording of the communication with the company's general manager posted by the person, the other party clearly stated that they would not compensate for the fired employee, and said such remarks as 'spend 1 million to ruin your reputation' and 'the law doesn't matter, just want the law to deal with me'. As of TapTechNews' dispatch, the relevant topic has risen to the second place in the real-time heat on Weibo, with a reading volume of 106,000.

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TapTechNews learned from the top of the reference topic that Ms. Li joined Henan Xinxiang Chaoli New Energy Co., Ltd. in April this year. On June 12th, she asked the personnel department why the social security hadn't been paid after two months, but the other party did not respond positively, and on the next day (June 13th) Ms. Li was informed of dismissal by the business manager. On June 14th, when she had a face-to-face communication with the company's general manager, the situation that occurred in the recording happened.

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After that, Ms. Li safeguarded her rights through channels such as the mayor's hotline and labor inspection report. Under the mediation of government staff, Chaoli Company paid her the due wages but refused to compensate. 'I want the other party to compensate for social security and dismissal compensation. During this period, the trade union and the local district government also wanted to mediate, but the attitude of the company's general manager was still arrogant, and he didn't admit or mediate until the arbitration hearing.', Ms. Li also disclosed that the manager even directly insulted under her social account.

Today, Chaoli New Energy Co., Ltd. issued a statement announcing the removal of the manager's position:

In view of the inappropriate remarks and bad attitude made by Wang Mingyu, the general manager of Henan Chaoli New Energy Co., Ltd. in dealing with the labor dispute of employees, which caused adverse social impacts, we deeply apologize for this. After the company's research decision, Wang Mingyu's position as the general manager of Henan Chaoli New Energy Co., Ltd. was removed.

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