Jilin Province to Implement Large-scale Equipment Upgrades and Consumer Goods Trading-in Plan

TapTechNews May 13 news, according to the official website of the Jilin Provincial People's Government, Jilin recently issued the Jilin Province Implementation Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Upgrades and Trading-in of Consumer Goods, which mentioned that Jilin Province will comprehensively initiate the trading-in activities for durable consumer goods such as automobiles and household appliances.

The relevant Plan proposes that Jilin Province strives to achieve the accelerated elimination of National III and below emission standard passenger vehicles by 2025, further increase the market share of high-efficiency and energy-saving home appliances, and increase the scrap car recycling volume by 50% compared to 2023; by 2027, the scrap car recycling volume will approximately double compared to 2023, and the volume of used car transactions will increase by 45% compared to 2023.

From the plan, TapTechNews learned that the main tasks of Jilin Province's trading-in of consumer goods this time are to carry out automobile trading-in and household appliance trading-in. For the former, relevant departments will support eligible automobile trading-in with energy-saving and emission reduction subsidy funds arranged by the central government, orderly phase out old cars in accordance with laws and regulations, optimize the management services of old car recycling, improve the circulation efficiency of used cars, foster and expand the main entities of used car operation, and optimize the automobile consumption and usage environment.

The plan also points out that Jilin Province will improve the recycling network of scrap consumer goods, promote the implementation of new models such as Internet + door-to-door recycling. Support the circulation and transactions of second-hand goods, enhance the level of resource utilization of waste, and steadily promote the construction of a zero waste city in Jilin.
