Roscosmos' Progress MS-26 Cargo Spaceship Completes Mission and Falls into Pacific

TapTechNews August 14th news, Roscosmos announced yesterday (August 13th) that the Progress MS-26 cargo spacecraft ended its mission and separated from the International Space Station and fell into the non-navigable area in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean.

Roscosmos Progress MS-26 Cargo Spaceship Completes Mission and Falls into Pacific_0

The Progress MS-26 spacecraft separated from the Russian module Zvezda of the International Space Station at 5:00 Moscow time (10:00 Beijing time) on the 13th, and then braked to leave the orbit at 8:09 Moscow time (13:09 Beijing time) and entered the Earth's atmosphere. The unburned components of the spacecraft fell into the non-navigable area in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean.

Roscosmos expected that the unburned components of the Progress MS-26 would splash down in the non-navigable area of the Pacific Ocean, 2330 kilometers from Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, and 7670 kilometers from Santiago, the capital of Chile.

TapTechNews note: The Progress MS-26 cargo spacecraft was launched on February 15 this year on a Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and docked with the space station on February 17.

The cargo spacecraft delivered more than 2.5 tons of goods to the space station, including nearly 1.5 tons of space station system hardware and equipment, scientific experiment equipment, astronauts' clothing, food, medical and hygiene products, 580 kilograms of space station fuel, 420 kilograms of drinking water and 40 kilograms of nitrogen.

Among these goods, there were consumables for the new scientific experiment Fullerene, which is to cultivate fullerene crystals in the Service Module Science - the third carbon crystal form representing a new type of semiconductor.

The Progress MS-26 cargo spacecraft also brought instruments for the new scientific experiment Orbitra-MG, which aims to establish a monitoring system to detect cracks and other sealing leaks in the outer shell of the International Space Station.

The Progress MS-28 is planned to be launched from Baikonur on August 15th and will dock with the Zvezda module of the International Space Station on August 17th.
