China's National Early Warning Information Mandatory Reminder Reach Platform Features and Applications

TapTechNews August 14th news, according to the official news of the China Meteorological Administration today, as of now, the "National Early Warning Information Mandatory Reminder Reach Platform" with mandatory reminder functions such as "Flash SMS" has been connected to 266 meteorological bureaus in 13 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) including Tianjin, Jilin, Shanghai, Fujian, and Sichuan (TapTechNews note: the official has not released the complete list), and has carried out pilot application work, with the average reminder reach time ranging from 0.23 seconds to 3.17 seconds.

According to the introduction, for particularly urgent and major disaster processes, receiving early warning information at the first time is crucial for grass-roots emergency responsible persons. Since this year, the Public Meteorological Service Center of the China Meteorological Administration (hereinafter referred to as the "Public Service Center") has jointly explored with China Mobile Migu Company to create a "National Early Warning Information Mandatory Reminder Reach Platform" that integrates full-screen "Flash SMS", intelligent voice outbound calling and other high-level early warning information mandatory reminder functions, which can ensure 100% reach of information to grass-roots emergency responsible persons.

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If the emergency responsible person fails to check the "Flash SMS" at the first time, the audio and video early warning call service will automatically superimpose intelligent voice phone outbound calling to timely reach the high-level meteorological early warning information to the emergency responsible person. In addition, next to the voice phone, the emergency responsible person can also see a camera logo, and clicking this logo can see the video early warning reminder automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI). At the same time, the video ringtone can realize the preset video playback instead of the traditional audio ringtone when making a call, which is suitable for the popularization of meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation science.

On July 24th, the meteorological department in Zhejiang Province relied on this platform to complete the automatic docking of the "Flash SMS" channel in advance, realizing the one-click release of early warning information through channels such as "Flash SMS", "Zhejiang Zhengding", and voice outbound calling.

From June 22nd to July 2nd, heavy rain occurred in many places in Jiujiang, Jiangxi. Relying on this platform, the meteorological department carried out the "Flash SMS" service in combination with the "631" service model in Jiangxi. The evaluation of the flood control responsible person in the pilot county in Jiujiang City said: "This reminder method allows us to read important early warning information at the first time and respond in time."
