World's First Wind-Fishing Integrated Floating Platform Put into Operation by the National Energy Group

TapTechNews June 29th news, the National Energy Group yesterday (June 28th) released a press release, announcing that its Longyuan Power's 'Guoneng Shared Vessel' has gone into operation, which is also the world's first wind-fishing integrated floating platform.

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World's First Wind-Fishing Integrated Floating Platform Put into Operation by the National Energy Group_1

The 'Guoneng Shared Vessel' has created a new scenario of marine economic development and application in the floating offshore wind power field, namely 'farming under water and generating power on water', promoting the formation of a new model of 'green energy + blue granary', providing technical reserves for the three-dimensional development of green energy in the deep sea and the intensive utilization of marine resources.

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TapTechNews learned from the report that the project is located in the National Marine Ranch Demonstration Area on Nanri Island, Putian, Fujian, and consists of a 'floating wind turbine + aquaculture cage', including a floating platform, a 4-megawatt floating wind turbine, and a mooring system, etc.

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The project adopts a three-column semi-submersible platform, with a 4-megawatt offshore wind turbine installed on the platform. The middle of the platform takes a regular hexagon as the aquaculture area, with about 10,000 cubic meters of aquaculture water body, and adopts an open near-ecological model for deep-sea aquaculture.

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After the 'Guoneng Shared Vessel' goes into production, the 4-megawatt wind turbine operates at full capacity and can generate 96,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, which can approximately meet the daily electricity demand of 42,000 people; the fish income in one aquaculture cycle can reach several hundred thousand dollars, realizing the sharing and mutual promotion and win-win situation between the development of new energy and the traditional marine economy.

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