
MIIT cracks down on apps infringing on users' rights

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology continues to address apps' infringement on users' rights, with a list of 22 apps and SDKs notified. The MIIT will take further actions if整改 is not proper.

Nanjing Court's First Case of Protecting Unpublished Game Content as Trade Secret

A post-2000s game player in Nanjing was judged for infringing trade secret. This is the first case in China to protect unpublished game content. Details here.

Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Cracks Down on Apps Infringing on Users' Rights

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in China continues to take action against Apps that violate users' rights. A total of 22 Apps and SDKs are found with infringement issues, and they need to be rectified. Learn more here.

Ningbo Customs Seizes Infringing Game Cards

Ningbo Customs has seized a large number of infringing game cards and found smuggling cases. Learn about the details.

Supreme Court of China Concludes Trade Secret Infringement Case in New Energy Vehicle Industry

The Supreme People's Court concluded a case involving trade secret infringement in the new energy vehicle chassis technology. A large amount of money was involved, and the details are reported.

Shanghai Baoshan Police Cracks Down on Infringement and Counterfeiting Cases through Live Streaming and E-commerce Platforms

The Baoshan Police in Shanghai has cracked several cases of infringement and counterfeiting via live streaming and e-commerce, with over $100 million involved. Learn more here.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Releases Notice on Infringing Apps

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issues a notice on 50 Apps and SDKs that infringe user rights. Details and list provided.