#North America#

North America's Mobile Phone Replacement Rate Trends and Comparisons

Since 2007, North America led in phone replacement rate but now, CALA may exceed it in 2024. Factors include changes in US carrier models and limited innovation. 150 characters.

Amazon Eliminates 95% of Plastic Inflatable Air Cushions in North America

Amazon's initiative to remove plastic inflatable air cushions and use recycled materials in North America.

'The Lion King' 30th Anniversary and Re-release in North America

Disney announces the rerelease of 'The Lion King' for its 30th anniversary in North America, with a new 3D prequel coming soon.

Volkswagen Postpones ID.7 Launch in North America

Volkswagen delays the launch of ID.7 in North America, may focus on SUVs, and plans to launch ID.Buzz in 2024.