#high speed rail#

New High-Speed Rail Section Starts Operation in China, Connecting Key Cities

The newly built Lanzhou-Zhangye High-speed Railway's section starts operation, improving transportation in the region. Details about the project and its impact.

The Completion of Track Laying of Sichuan-Chengdu to Qinghai-Xining Railway

The first plateau railway in northwestern Sichuan is completed, facilitating travel and economic development.

First High-Speed Rail Tourism Multi-Ride Ticket Launched in Northeast China

The first high-speed rail tourism multi-ride ticket in Northeast China is now available. It offers a discounted price and flexibility. Learn how to buy and use it here.

Latest Chinese Tech News High-speed Rail Services, New Smartphones, and Incidents in Tech Industry

Stay updated with the latest tech news from China, including advancements in high-speed rail services, new smartphone releases, incidents in the tech industry, and more.