Li Jiaqi and Crazy Xiaoyangge Accused of Selling Fake Hetian Jade with Fake Certificates

TapTechNews July 17th news, the 'anti-counterfeiting person' Wang Hai released a message today, questioning that 'Li Jiaqi and Crazy Xiaoyangge are using fake identification certificates to sell fake Hetian jade to deceive consumers', and the person who issued the fake identification certificate was fined 100,000 yuan. TapTechNews attached the following content:

On August 16, 2023, consumers spent 319 yuan in Crazy Xiaoyangge's live broadcast room to buy the same 'Hetian jade necklace' as in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room of Yuan Yang Jin Lou, and the free gift was a 'Hetian jade bracelet'.

After the consumers received it, they found that the identification certificate attached to the commodity indicated that the total weight of the Hetian jade bracelet was 20 grams, and the total weight of the Hetian jade necklace was 40 grams. The magic is that we checked dozens of identification certificates received by consumers, and all the weights were exactly the same. But in fact, the natural density and processing accuracy of the bracelet and necklace are different, and the weight cannot be exactly the same.

After we reported the behavior of using fake identification certificates to deceive consumers in the live broadcast of Xiaoyangge and Li Jiaqi, on July 15, 2024, we received a reply from the Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration: 'It has now been investigated and concluded, and a decision of administrative penalty has been made to order the company that issued the fake identification certificate to make rectification and a fine of 100,000 yuan, confiscate 1,000 yuan of illegal income, and a fine of 30,000 yuan for the relevant responsible person'.

This Hetian jade necklace of Yuan Yang Jin Lou has long been taken off the shelves, but the live-streaming anchors Li Jiaqi and the authorized live broadcast room of 'Three Goats Network' have not admitted the incident of deceiving consumers with fake identification certificates, nor have they given consumers a refund of one for three. (Just quietly and urgently recalled, and the customer service lied that it was a wrong matching of goods.)

Using fake identification certificates to sell fake Hetian jade is a typical fraud behavior. Why don't Xiaoyangge and Li Jiaqi take the initiative to give consumers a refund of one for three?

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In response, the operating party of 'Li Jiaqi Live Broadcast Room', Meiwan (Shanghai) Network Technology Co., Ltd., the official Weibo 'MeiONE', released a statement stating:

Before the Hetian jade necklace of Yuan Yang Jin Lou was broadcast, our company also conducted a pre-compliance review on it. Both the 'Gem Identification Certificate' of the main product (necklace) and the 'Gem Identification Certificate' of the free gift (bracelet) have passed the review, confirming that the product name conforms to the definition of 'Hetian jade' in the national standard GB/T16552-2017 Jewelry and Jade Name.

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MeiONE also said that in October 2023, the company noticed that some self-media posts were posted, and immediately re-reviewed the audited qualifications and contacted a third-party authoritative testing agency for testin g, and finally came to the conclusion that the products on the air conform to the national standard.

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As of the TapTechNews article, Crazy Xiaoyangge and the Three Goats Group have not yet responded.
