Dewu Announces Organizational Efficiency Improvement and Position Reduction

TapTechNews August 7th news, the trendy online shopping community, Dewu, today released an all-staff letter, announcing to all company employees the start of organizational efficiency improvement, and will reduce about 5% of positions, and will communicate one-on-one with the involved employees and provide corresponding support such as financial compensation.

In the all-staff letter, Dewu stated that in a more complex market environment, in order to maintain business competitiveness in the long term, the company needs to more resolutely focus resources on core businesses and projects with higher input-output ratios, stop or significantly reduce investment in projects with low input-output ratios, adjust the organization to a more efficient and lean state to achieve long-term development. At the same time, the company will continue to invest resources in the construction and upgrading of the core capabilities of the organization and incentivize outstanding talents in multiple ways.

TapTechNews attaches the full text of Dewu's all-staff letter:

'Notice on the Company's Initiation of Organizational Efficiency Improvement'

Dear colleagues:

2024 has passed half. Looking back from the mid-year review, we have continuously focused on value creation under the guidance of the long-term direction. The overall operating status of the company is continuously growing. We also continuously review our past work and promote optimization from the perspective of building long-term business competitiveness, hoping to do the right things and also strive to do things right.

At present, on the one hand, the market environment has become more severe. On the other hand, when reviewing past work, we see some significantly low-input-output branch projects and inefficient division of labor and cooperation links, and also see that some high-input-output projects have not received sufficient support. The more we aim for the long term, the more we should honestly face the current problems and challenges. We need to more resolutely focus resources on core businesses and projects with higher input-output ratios, stop or significantly reduce investment in projects with low input-output ratios, and adjust the organization to a more efficient and lean state.

Based on the above principles, after careful consideration and repeated discussions, the company decided to streamline existing work items and initiate organizational efficiency improvement. After measuring the projects and evaluating the inefficient projects, about 5% of positions will be reduced approximately. This is a measure taken to maintain the company's long-term stable development and competitiveness after comprehensive assessment. Unfortunately, this decision will inevitably affect some colleagues. Next, the company will conduct one-on-one communication with the personnel involved in the adjustment. During the whole process, the company will strictly abide by laws and regulations and provide financial compensation according to law, while maintaining transparent communication and providing necessary information and support for the affected colleagues.

In the process of adjustment, we must make some difficult choices. Thank every colleague for their contributions. For the affected colleagues, the company will try its best to provide support and help.

Looking towards the future, we still need to see things more clearly, focus on the right things, and cut off various ineffective/inefficient processes. The company will also continue to invest resources in the construction and upgrading of the organization's core capabilities, and encourage concentrating on creating more value for users, merchants, and partners through the annual salary adjustment window, the quarterly differentiated bonus distribution, and the investment through options or deferred bonuses in irregular windows.

Thank you for your understanding and support .

August 7th, 2024
