International SparkLink Alliance Announces Interoperability Test for SparkLink Devices

TapTechNews August 14th news, the International SparkLink Alliance today released a solicitation notice for the SparkLink Alliance Interoperability Special Test. This test is to ensure that SparkLink devices from different manufacturers can interoperate and provide consistent performance. All SparkLink listed products must pass the interoperability test.

International SparkLink Alliance Announces Interoperability Test for SparkLink Devices_0

According to the introduction, in accordance with the annual plan, the alliance entrusts the test working group and the SparkLink authorized laboratory to organize and implement the SparkLink interoperability test special work. The scope of test devices includes SparkLink products that have been listed and are in the testing pipeline.

The interoperability test work is arranged as follows:

The interoperability test is planned to be completed by September 30th;

The SparkLink devices that have been listed and are in the testing are tested for interoperability by the original test laboratory;

The test will be conducted in a secure and confidential environment to ensure the privacy and security of manufacturers' products;

The interoperability test of the SparkLink devices that have been listed and are in the testing is free;

Manufacturers participating in this interoperability test please feedback by email before August 23rd.

The alliance also welcomes manufacturers who plan to release SparkLink products within the year to participate in the interoperability test.

TapTechNews previously reported that at this year's Huawei HDC2024 Developer Conference, the connection problem between different SparkLink devices has begun to be resolved. Beiton has officially announced the successful joint debugging with Huawei SparkLink products and has become the first handle brand that can directly connect SparkLink products.

Related Reading:

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