Suzhou North Station to Offer Helicopter Transport Service

TapTechNews June 17th. According to the official website of the Suzhou Municipal Government, Suzhou North Station is expected to become the first high-speed rail station in the country to offer helicopter transportation services.

At the investment promotion matchmaking meeting held on June 16th, the Suzhou High-Speed Rail New City Economic Development Co., Ltd. and Rolink Industry Technology Co., Ltd. reached a cooperation agreement on the construction of the relevant helicopter landing pad. According to the cooperation agreement, Rolink Industry Technology Co., Ltd. plans to build a helicopter landing pad at the designated location of Suzhou North Station in order to provide helicopter transportation services for passengers at Suzhou North Station.

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TapTechNews learned from consulting the Several Measures of Suzhou City to Support the High-Quality Development of the Low-Altitude Economy that Suzhou gives a maximum reward of 30 million US dollars (about 200 million RMB) to new high-quality projects introduced or significant capital increase and expansion projects of already settled enterprises; encourages low-altitude technological innovation leadership, supports enterprises to strengthen core technological research and development, accelerate the transformation of achievements, build innovation carriers, formulate and revise low-altitude standards, and strengthen airworthiness certification, with a maximum reward of 200 million US dollars (about 1.3 billion RMB); supports the expansion of low-altitude application scenarios, and gives a maximum reward of 10 million US dollars (about 65 million RMB).

According to public information, Rolink Industry Technology Co., Ltd. is currently one of the largest general aviation industry groups in China and owns helicopter airports such as Nanjing, Suzhou, and Lhasa.
