#General Motors#

General Motors to Pay Fine and Surrender Greenhouse Gas Credits for Emissions Excess

General Motors faces a fine and credit confiscation for excessive emissions, involving millions of vehicles.

General Motors' Cruise Fined for Delayed Accident Report

General Motors' self-driving car company Cruise was fined for delaying accident report details. Learn more here!

General Motors Lowers 2024 Electric Vehicle Production Target

General Motors cuts its 2024 electric vehicle production expectations. Despite this, it still expects significant growth and has goals for profitability. Learn more.

General Motors Invests 850 Million USD in Cruise to Cover Operating Costs

General Motors invests 850 million US dollars in its self-driving car subsidiary Cruise. Covers details about the accident, loss, and future plans.

GM Appoints Former Apple Executives to Lead Software and Services Division

General Motors appoints Baris Cetinok and Dave Richardson, former Apple execs, amid its efforts to restart the Cruise project.

General Motors' Strategy in the US Auto Market

General Motors is aiming to gain a foothold in the economy car market with new technologies. Learn about their plans.

General Motors Partners with RedwoodMaterials for Battery Waste Recycling

General Motors teams up with RedwoodMaterials to recycle waste from its plants. Redwood handles waste from various companies and recycles for new battery production.

General Motors' Electrification Struggles and Future Outlook

General Motors faced electrification challenges last year, but aims to produce 200K-300K electric vehicles this year. CEO Barra and CFO Jacobson comment.