#electric cars#

NIO CEO Says New Brand Will Succeed in Europe Despite Tariffs

NIO CEO Li Bin is confident about the success of the new brand in Europe even with tariffs. Learn more.

Ferrari to Keep Internal Combustion Engines, Balance Electric and Traditional

Ferrari won't abandon ICE, offers various powertrains. The first electric Ferrari is coming. Balance between EVs and traditional.

Last Jaguar F-Type Rolls Off the Line as Brand Transforms to Electric

The last Jaguar F-Type has come off the assembly line, marking the brand's转型 to electric. More details here.

Stellantis Some Leapmotor Production to Move to Europe Due to EU Tariff

Leapmotor's production to shift to Europe as Stellantis CEO comments on EU tariff and competitiveness, with related info.

EU to Levy Provisional Anti-subsidy Duty on Chinese Electric Cars Imported

The European Commission plans to levy a provisional anti-subsidy duty on Chinese electric cars from July 4th. This measure has raised concerns and opposition, with impacts on the industry. Explore more details.

BYD's Move into South Korean Market with Electric Vehicles

BYD undergoes tests in South Korea for electric car sales, may launch models like Seal and Dolphin, impacts local market.

NIO's May Delivery Data Surges, Sets New Record

NIO announces May delivery numbers, showing significant growth. See details here.

General Motors' Strategy in the US Auto Market

General Motors is aiming to gain a foothold in the economy car market with new technologies. Learn about their plans.

US Company's Tear Down of BYD Seagull Reveals Surprises

An in-depth analysis of an American company's teardown of BYD Seagull and its implications for the electric vehicle industry.

Xiaopeng Motors' Future Plans and Product Launches

Xiaopeng Motors CEO reveals plans for new products and growth, including a compact electric sedan and a B-class model, with details on financials.

Environmental Activists Protest against Tesla's Grünheide Factory Expansion

Over 1000 environmental activists protest against Tesla's expansion plans at the Grünheide factory in Germany, raising concerns about environmental impact and water consumption.