The First Exclusive Large Model for New Liberal Arts Education and Teaching in Chinese Universities Released

TapTechNews July 15th news, TapTechNews learned from Shandong University of Finance and Economics that on July 11th, the school released the first exclusive large model for new liberal arts education and teaching in national universities - the AI Talent exclusive large model for education and teaching, which was jointly developed by the school in cooperation with Baidu Intelligent Cloud and Shandong Yinrui Technology.

The First Exclusive Large Model for New Liberal Arts Education and Teaching in Chinese Universities Released_0

According to the introduction, this large model can build an intelligent science and education environment through key technologies such as big data, machine learning, and knowledge graph, and create a teaching and research service platform with the characteristics of professionalism, personalization, systematization, and one-stop, integrating knowledge, teaching, learning, research, training, and intelligence.

This large model has the following functions and characteristics:

Knowledge Digitization section: It can conduct standardized and structured sorting and precipitation of professional textbooks, scientific research data, internship and training cases and other knowledge on the large model platform to form its own knowledge base and realize digital management, active push, and intelligent application of knowledge.

Teaching Assistant section: It provides functions such as intelligent teaching design, intelligent knowledge graph, intelligent homework and analysis, intelligent analysis of discussion activities, and interactive teaching, and recommends a personalized teaching growth plan for students for teachers according to the learning situation analysis data.

Learning and Socializing section: The digital person Xiao Zhi provides accompanied course guidance to assist students in realizing heuristic learning, personalized learning, and dialogical autonomous learning, etc. Students can realize a systematic sorting of their own knowledge system through large model training and form a comprehensive portrait of their own knowledge system.

Research Workshop section: It is specifically aimed at academic papers, research reports, and think tank reports in the field of humanities and social sciences for data training to generate efficient and accurate scientific research assistant functions such as literature sorting, paper study, and academic writing.

Training Ground section: Based on the disciplinary and professional scenarios, it cooperates with government, industry, enterprises and other units to customize scene-migrated practical digital workshops, such as financial management, administrative approval, accounting practice, social insurance handling, smart city governance, public policy text analysis, etc. The artificial intelligence expert system can provide remote internship and training real-time guidance for students.

Intelligence Enhancement section: Based on data information such as students' personality characteristics, learning ability, talent and specialties, and comprehensive evaluation, it provides a personalized student portrait; through learning situation analysis, it fills in the gaps and provides personalized and accurate learning support for students and plans the future learning path and career development.
