China Railway Construction Leads in ISO Standard for Railway Autopilot

TapTechNews July 11th news, according to the report of the China Railway Construction News, recently, at the 9th plenary session of ISO/TC269/SC3 of the International Organization for Standardization held in Stockholm, Sweden, after the unanimous voting of experts from 13 countries including France, Germany, Japan and UIC observers, it was unanimously agreed to pass the special working group project proposal of the Guidelines for Operational Rules for Applying Autopilot Mode led by technical expert Feng Mei from the Fourth Institute of China Railway Construction Corporation. Feng Mei was appointed as the convenor of the working group and the leader of the project team to take the lead in the standard compilation work.

This is the world's first ISO international standard (TR) on railway autopilot, and it is also the first ISO international standard led by China Railway Construction Corporation, achieving a major breakthrough in international standard work.

According to the introduction, the autopilot field focused by the Guidelines for Operational Rules for applying Autopilot Mode is the current frontier hot spot in the world railway industry. The project takes the autopilot applications of trunk railways in countries and regions such as China, Europe and Japan as the objects, and by identifying the impact on key elements (positions, processes, responsibilities, etc.) of railway operation when applying the autopilot mode, puts forward the principles for the compilation of macro operational rules.

The report also mentioned that currently, the global mileage of opened autopilot railway trunk lines is about 923 kilometers, including 643 kilometers for passenger transportation and 280 kilometers for freight transportation. China accounts for 68% of all operating mileage and 97% of passenger mileage; the rich experience of Chinese railways in the field of railway autopilot is worthy of promotion in ISO standards.

TapTechNews noted that in 2016, the Pearl River Delta intercity designed and built by China Railway Construction adopted the ATO system based on the CTCS train control system, and took the lead in realizing autopilot at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour in the world. In October 2020, the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Railway achieved autopilot at a speed of 350 kilometers per hour.
