Huawei Music App Updates with New Features and Visual Redesign

TapTechNews on June 5th, the Huawei Music App started the application crowd test today, with the version number being and the installation package size about 124.8 megabytes. It mainly improved the in-app visual effects, added the function of song collection in the search results, and the interactivity of the application was optimized.

According to the introduction, Huawei Music is an App that includes functions such as online music audition, download, collection, search, short videos, etc., providing a lossless music library and audio radio content, and supporting Hi-Res high-resolution music and spatial audio experience.

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TapTechNews attaches the following crowd test update contents this time:

A brand new visual redesign and upgrade of the music player page

Added the function of song collection in the search result page

Other functional details optimized for a more smooth experience

Through the actual measurement of TapTechNews, after this crowd test version update, the playback page in the Huawei Music App is upgraded, and the overall page style is more simple and flat, and redundant functions are abandoned.

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It is worth mentioning that the new version of the Huawei Music playback page maintains similarity in design with the Huawei Music pre-installed in the previous HarmonyOS NEXT system. There is a large blank space between the song/singer column and the progress bar, and the overall page is concise without unnecessary functions.

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