Wuhan Optics Valley Laboratory Develops High-Performance Quantum Dot Photoresist

TapTechNews August 13th news, Wuhan Optics Valley Laboratory announced a collaboration with research teams such as Huazhong University of Science and Technology to develop a high-performance quantum dot photoresist (QD-PR), with its blue light conversion efficiency reaching 44.6% (green) and 45.0% (red), and the lithography accuracy reaching 1 μm, and various performance indicators are at the industry-leading level.

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It is introduced that the current mainstream RGB three-color micro-LED full-color technology has problems such as a large number of transfer times, high cost, complex driving control circuits, and different color light attenuation. And as the size of micro-LED decreases, the luminous efficiency of red LED drops sharply. However, using single-color blue micro-LED to excite green and red fluorescent materials to achieve full-color display can avoid the above problems.

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Based on the high-performance quantum dot photoresist, the research team achieved high-precision quantum dot pixels.

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TapTechNews learned that these quantum dot color conversion pixels also show excellent stability, and can still retain 92.5% (red) and 93.4% (green) of the original luminous performance after being heated at 75°C in the air for 120 hours.

Through red and green quantum dot overprinting, combined with the blue surface light source, the research team obtained high-precision static patterns based on quantum dot color conversion pixels.

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