SF Wujiang Distribution Center to Suzhou University Drone Delivery Route Officially Launched

TapTechNews reported on May 12th that the first drone delivery route in Suzhou, from SF Wujiang Distribution Center to the future campus of Suzhou University, officially started normal operation on May 8th.

It is reported that the route is about 6.3 kilometers long, passing through multiple road intersections and traffic lights with heavy traffic. It would take half an hour for vehicle delivery, while drone delivery only takes 7 minutes, saving 77% of the time.

TapTechNews noted that SF uses the Feiyi Ark 40 drone for related delivery services. This drone adopts an eight-axis design, can carry 10 kilograms of goods in a single trip, has an average flying speed of up to 50 kilometers per hour, a maximum flying speed of 14 meters per second, can fly up to 20 kilometers on a single charge, a maximum altitude of 5000 meters, and is equipped with on-board visual modules, millimeter-wave radar modules, and RTK modules, achieving centimeter-level landing accuracy.

The person in charge of SF Wujiang introduced that the route is expected to operate 16 flights daily in the future, and the route will be adjusted in real time according to the actual demand to ensure that every package is delivered to the destination in a timely and accurate manner. At the same time, they also plan to add multiple air routes such as Dongshan loquat production area—distribution center, Wujiang Transit Hub Center—distribution center, and park distribution center, expanding and enriching the use of campus delivery, agricultural product delivery, and city instant delivery scenarios.
