China Successfully launched Zhongxing-3A satellite with Long March-7A carrier rocket

TapTechNews June 29 news, at 19:57 today, China used the Long March-7A carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Site to successfully launch the Zhongxing-3A satellite into the air. The satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

 China Successfully launched Zhongxing-3A satellite with Long March-7A carrier rocket_0

According to the official introduction, this satellite is a communication and broadcasting satellite, which can provide users with voice, data, and广播电视传输 services (Note: In the US, this usually refers to services such as radio, television, and data transmissions). As TapTechNews knows, this mission is the 526th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

 China Successfully launched Zhongxing-3A satellite with Long March-7A carrier rocket_1

Public information shows that the Zhongxing series of satellites is mainly used for television broadcasting and data transmission, and the service scope covers the entire territory of China, the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East, Australia, Europe, Africa and other regions. Currently, the Zhongxing series of satellites is operated by the China Satellite Communications Group under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Group.
