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TapTechNews 6 月 29 日消息,鬼谷科技河图工作室现宣布其下一款游戏《上古河图》(原名代号:河图)将于 2025 年第一季度推出,登陆 PC/移动端,同时还放出了《上古河图》最新预告片。

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本作由《鬼谷八荒》开发商鬼谷工作室旗下的河图工作室开发,是一款修仙题材的神话风 CCG 策略对战卡牌游戏。河图工作室表示本作主打 PVP,但目前也在考虑制作 PVE 内容。

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In the game, players need to build decks around heroes of the three clans of humans, demons, and gods for PVP duels. Currently, the game is still in the development process, and the official also announced that it will open a limited PC unpaid beta test from June 28 to July 18, 2024.

Interested players can fill out the questionnaire and apply for the test qualification before July 18, 2024, and the qualification will be issued through emails from July 15 to July 19, 2024.

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TapTechNews found that this game has already obtained the game version number on June 25 this year. The games that got the version number in the same period also include Rock Kingdom: World, Like a Kite (Domestic server of Code: Kite), Reverse Collapse, Green Dream: Voice of Time and Space, Douluo Continent: Soul Hunting World, Advirtu and so on.

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