China's CGN Proton Therapy Equipment Manufacturing Base Passes Completion Acceptance

TapTechNews June 29th news, China General Nuclear Power Group announced today that the CGN Proton Therapy Equipment Manufacturing Base has officially passed the completion acceptance, laying a solid foundation for the comprehensive localization of the world's leading proton therapy system with the largest number of installed units and treated patients.

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The official pointed out that the CGN Proton Therapy Equipment Manufacturing Base is located in Youxian District, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, covering a total area of 27.95 mu(about 1.86 acres). It is invested and constructed by CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd. It is a key measure to introduce, digest, absorb, and re-innovate the international leading proton therapy equipment technology, and also a necessary link to realize the localization and autonomy of proton therapy equipment in China and drive the coordinated development of the industrial chain.

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As one of the most advanced tumor radiotherapy technologies in the world at present, compared with the traditional radiotherapy technology (TapTechNews note: mainly photons and electrons), proton therapy allows the energy of the ray particles to be concentrated and released suddenly at the tumor location, achieving point blasting of tumor cells, thereby minimizing the damage to normal tissues of the body and achieving better curative effect and very minor side effects, especially suitable for pediatric cancer patients.

The official said that the CGN Proton Therapy Equipment Manufacturing Base will fully carry out the production, assembly, testing, final assembly and integration of the proton therapy system to realize the batch supply of the proton therapy system and has the ability to supply to the whole world.

At present, CGN Technology has been providing equipment supply or installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance services for nearly 10 proton therapy centers across the country such as the West China International Cancer Treatment Center.
